The ominous Black Mountain sits in the Australian national park of the same name in the state of Queensland. At just a 1000ft high it is certainly not massive but what it lacks in height it certainly gains in infamy.
The mountain called Kalkajaka by the aboriginal people is made up of many large black granite rocks and boulders, some it is said being the size of a house. These rocks and boulders were formed 250 million years ago by solidified magma and the absence of soil to fill in the gaps and cracks between the rocks means there are many tunnels and caves with in the mountain. The black granite also serves to give it a very dark and eery appearance.
As you would expect from such a foreboding place it is rich in legend and folklore. The Aboriginal name has the wonderfully spooky English translation of mountain of death. The legends of the mountain are taken very seriously by the local aboriginal people and they are said to avoid the place like the plague. They people believe that in what they call the dream time, a local tribe had amongst its ranks an extremely powerful witch doctor, whose name meant 'eater of flesh'. The tale goes that this man had a rather gruesome habit of consuming as much human flesh as he could get his hands on.
Unsurprisingly the local tribe lived in fear of this unsavory individual and to help appease his cannibalistic cravings, they occasionally allowed him to dine on an old woman or a weak and sick member of the tribe. But it seems that one day his hankering to chow down on humans got the better of him and he killed and ate a tribal chief who he had caught napping.
For the rest of the tribe, as you can imagine this was the last straw. So they banded together and off they went to have a word with the Eater of Flesh. Of course, being well versed in the ways of magic it wasn't much of a problem for him to transform himself into a giant snake and he made his escape into the heart of the Black Mountain. It was there that he spent his days, only venturing out to satisfy his hunger for the meat of fellow humans. Ever since that time both people and animals who ventured too close to the mountain have disappeared, never to be seen again.
In slightly more modern times Black mountain is still a place of mystery. In fact some of the first white settlers in the area recorded some very odd incidences indeed. In 1877 a courier named Grayner was out on horse back in search of a missing calf in the vicinity of the mountain. When Grayner failed to return a search was undertaken but no trace of Grayner, his horse or the calf was ever found.
A few years later an outlaw named Sugerfoot Jack and some members of his gang were on the run from the authorities. They had decided to hide out in the black mountain, but after an intense search by police nothing more was seen or heard from them.
Then in around 1890 another strange disappearance took place. This time a police constable Ryan and some trackers from near by Cooktown had tracked a fugitive to the mountain of death only for the trail to go cold at the entrance to one of the many caves. Ryan decided he would enter the cave and try and corner his man, but Ryan and the fugitive never came back out of the mountain.
Now we come to a station owner who went by the name of Harry Owens. One day he had made his way to the mountain in search of some lost cattle, and I'm sure you have guessed it, Owens to did not return. His absence was soon noticed by his partner George Hawkings who went to the police to report him missing, before setting out to search for him. It seems misfortune also befell Hawkings, as it has been recorded that he also did not return from the mysterious mount. So the local police force were brought in and conducted a search of black mountain for the two missing men. Bravely two officers of the law entered one of the caves but only one returned. Apparently the one that came out was so shaken by what he had witnessed in there that he could not give a coherent account of what had occurred.
There is also a report of two professional caver who went into the mountain in the 1920s they went in to try and find answers to the many disappearances, but they to became part of the legend as did the team of trackers who went in to look for them.
Whilst I was looking into the legends of the mountain I came across an article in fortean times (FT150) written by Ivan Mackerle. In the article Mackerle tells of his relatively recent (around 2001) experiences around the mountain. In brief Mackerle and his friend Danny had decided to camp for the night at the bottom of the mountain and as night descended they lit some small gas lanterns and sat chatting for a few hours whilst also listening to the night time sounds of the Australian bush. At around 10pm a strong wind got up and they decided to retire to their tent where they lay listening to the sounds of the night. Then all of a sudden the wind died and all other sounds ceased, Mackerle said that the silence was defining.
Then out of the silence they heard the sounds of stones "crumbling from the rock" above them "as if something was slowly crawling out of the mountain". They thought it might be some sort of animal but as it got closer and made it way on to the dried up leaves around their camp site they realized it sounded much more like human foot steps, and whats more they sounded like they were heading straight for the tent.
Danny being the braver or more foolhardy of the two decided they should see who or what was making the sounds and made a hasty exit from the tent with Mackerle following right behind him with a torch in one hand and a knife in the other. Out in the open air the beam of their torches found "a formless dark mass, undulating by the grim wall of black bushes and trees which quickly dissipated". After this the two men returned to their tent as the sounds of bush life returned to the night air.
What did the men see that night? And what are the reasons for all the disappearances, admittedly I have only presented you with a select handful of them. Well I suppose the most obvious explanation would be that the caves inside the mountain are like a labyrinth and in the dark it is easy to get lost and seriously or even fatally injured. There is also talk or an entity called the Quinkin which is said to be some sort of spectral nocturnal giant that is said to dwell with in the cave of the mountain. Another resident of the caves is the queens land tiger which has been sighted in and around the mountains on a number of occasions. Another cryptid on the list is a large black panther type creature which again has been sighted on numerous occasions, and add to this mix reports of yowies , giant pythons and UFOs and you have the formula for the perfect fortean day trip.
I will be looking at aussie cryptids in more depth in future posts so if you are interested please keep an eye on my little blog.
Monday, 23 February 2015
Wednesday, 18 February 2015
Storsjon Lake Monster
Storsjoodjuret, yes that is a real word and it is the name given to a cryptid that is said to live in the icy waters of Lake Storsjon (also a real word) in Sweden.The lake is up to 300ft in depth with a surface area of 464 km2 and the city of Ostursund is nestled on its eastern shore line.
The creature, whose name I cant pronounce to save my life was said to have been first recorded in 1635 by a folklorist and vicar Morgens Pedersen. He describes the creature as being the creation of a couple of trolls who were engaged in the production of magical substances.
"A long, long time ago two trolls, Jata and Kata, stood on the shores of the Great-Lake brewing a concoction in their cauldrons. They brewed and mixed and added to the liquid for days and weeks and years. They knew not what would result from their brew but they wondered about it a great deal. One evening there was heard a strange sound from one of their cauldrons. There was a wailing, a groaning and a crying, then suddenly came a loud bang. A strange animal with a black serpentine body and a cat-like head jumped out of the cauldron and disappeared into the lake. The monster enjoyed living in the lake, grew unbelievably larger and awakened terror among the people whenever it appeared. Finally, it extended all the way round the island of Frösön, and could even bite its own tail. Ketil Runske bound the mighty monster with a strong spell which was carved on a stone and raised on the island of Frösön. The serpent was pictured on the stone. Thus was the spell to be tied till the day someone came who could read and understand the inscription on the stone."
So since the days of Morgens people have continued to report strange sightings of Storsjoodjuret, and it is said that to date there have been over 500 hundred reported sightings of the creature. Olle Mattsson an antiquarian at the near by Ostursund museum has been looking back through the museums archives for historical reports of the creature, and he has also added more recent accounts to his files as well. From these 500 + collection of reports Mattsson describes the creature as 10 to 16ft long dark grey or black with a small head.
When I read this description it reminded me of the numerous reports of the Irish lake monsters mentioned in The Dragon and the Disc 1972 by F W Holiday. In which the author gives detailed accounts of many giant eel type creature living in the numerous lakes of Ireland.
The giant eel theory is one that has fascinated me for some time and in particular Richard Freeman's idea that many of these creatures might be giant eunuch eels that have no desire to return to the sea to reproduce and die, the theory goes that these eels stay in fresh water and just keep growing, and eventually attaining a massive size. Of course although very intriguing this is just a theory and more work needs to be done to add more weight to it.
There is a video that purports to be of the monster that was shot by a film crew in 2008, but as usual with this kind of thing it raises more questions than it answers. It was shot underwater and there is nothing else in the frame that we might be able to use to get an estimation of its size, and of course the creature can not be seen in any real detail. But to me it doesn't really look like an eel. What I have to assume is its head doesn't look right for an eel and neither does its body movements, in fact in places it doesn't really appear to be moving under its own power, it looks almost like a bit of plant matter wafting around in the flow of the water......
In an odd twist Storsjoodjuret, as well as its offspring and nest was actually protected as an endangered species by Swedish law in 1986, but this law was revoked nearly 20 years later. But his wasn't the first time that the monster came to the attention of the Swedish authorities. Way back in the 1890s a group of local people came together with the aim to capture it, this even got royal approval when King Oscar II backed the group.
Monday, 16 February 2015
Killer Congers, Kidnap and Memory Loss
So this evening I'm thumbing through a back copy of fortean times (ft 85) and I notice a small article in the Strange Days section of the magazine that I thought would make a good post for this blog.
The story was taken from the Aberdeen Press and Journal and the Daily Telegraph September 2 1995.
Now the story goes that a 32 year old diving instructor by the name of Cameron Bell was on Loch Long, a sea loch on the western coast of Scotland, he was there to give three of his pupils a lesson on diving at night. when some how he became detached from his group and nothing more was heard of him for a further 9 hours.
He later claimed that whilst swimming into an area 90ft below the surface aptly named Conger Alley, he was attacked by a giant 6ft foot conger eel. The eel had apparently been startled by the divers light and in the confusion that followed some fishing line that was trailing out of the congers mouth had become entangled around the his neck. Mr Bell then said that he was dragged at high speed a further 60ft into the cold dark depths before managing to use his knife to cut himself free. Unfortunately for the unlucky sub-aqua swimmer whilst he was cutting himself free from his eel led leash, he accidentally cut through his own oxygen line.
With no oxygen Mr Bell was forced to make hast towards the surface, an action that no diver wants to do from such depths in a hurry and the result was a case of the bends or decompression sickness, caused by his rapid assent to the surface. Suffering as he was from the bends he some how struggled towards the shore, where he passed out on terra firma. Luckily some 9 hours later he was found by a passing cyclist and after 4 hours in a decompression chamber at Faslane navel base he was sent home to Glasgow to recover.
Now it was whilst I was double checking the facts of this article that I came across another bizarre chapter in the life of Mr Bell. It seems that a few years later in February 1998 the diver once again found himself in turbulent water.
Mr Bell was attending a conference for divers in Marseilles in France when he suddenly went missing, only to turn up again 5 days later when he staggered into a petrol garage with razor cuts and bruises to both his head and body. Naturally detectives tried in interview him he could only say that he had been held against his will and apart from that he had no memory of any other events.
A spokes woman fr french CID said " He has been injured so something must have happened. He is the only one who can help us."
But it seems that some people who know Mr Bell think that perhaps he might be rather liberal with the truth. An un-named source fro the Scottish diving community was quoted in the Daily Mirror as saying "It sounds as though he's been up to no good. His Loch Long story was a load of nonsense - and didn't do the diving industry any good. In fact I'll give you a tenner for every diver you find who believes the conger man's story."
Also one of the divers who accompanied Mr Bell on his eel fated dive in Loch Long said the the ell story "seemed unlikely" and "He was laughed out of the park by everyone in the industry. He only gained sympathy from people not involved in diving."
Even his ex diving partner Mike Nisbett had this to say "I have nothing to say about Cameron Bell. I don't want to be associated with the man."
So It looks like poor Cameron has had a hard time which ever way you look at it. Did he encounter an angery eel from the deep? Did he even get kidnapped? Well the only person who knows for sure is Cameron Bell himself........
"The Last Time You Was My Mummy"
As my last post on reincarnation seemed so popular I thought id give you guys another offering. This time its not written by me but by Marie Bishop a freelance writer and paranormal researcher. It is a first hand account of some rather interesting things her son said to her about the last time she was his mummy.........
Think of the subject of reincarnation and you will already have an opinion in your mind about whether or not it happens. Religion and the opinion of your family may have moulded your opinion on the subject and yet google the subject and you will see many accounts that seem plausible.
Here is an account of what I believe is reincarnation between myself and my young son.
Bit of background. This conversation happened when my son was nearly 3, he had just started a playgroup in the weeks before this happened. As a child with Asperger’s he finds imaginative play very difficult, so I was happy to see him playing, even if at home the children seemed to be imaginary.
While cleaning his bedroom I could hear him chatting away quite happily in the spare room next door. I went in and he was animatedly talking to these ‘friends’ when I asked him who he was talking to he said in a clear voice “Nathanial and Emily” Racking my brains I tried to think if any of the children’s names at his playschool were called this, Emily was a possibility but Nathanial was a bit old fashioned. “Are Nathanial and Emily your friends from school?” I asked, he shook his head and turned to look at me.
“No, Remember when I used to go to that other school, the tall red building. I used to go in the carriage at the back of the horse.” I remember looking at him puzzled, and then he added
“You know, last time you was my mummy” He said with such a sure look on his face, as if he was shocked that I didn’t know.
My son had never been to any other school, he was three!! And the school he was in was a single level prefab. I tried to ask him more but he just continued chattering away, and wouldn’t tell me anything else.I have no idea how he knew this, or the words to describe it.Even now the words:“You know, last time you was my mummy” still sends a shiver down my spine.
My son is 16 now and doesn’t remember any of this, although he is fascinated. I would say that children may very well be unaware that what they are saying is anything other than ordinary, why would it be wrong to talk about something that you believe is the truth? I’m not sure if this is just a reincarnation situation, he was also talking to the children as if they were there, but it still for me remains one of the strangest things I have ever experienced.
Thursday, 12 February 2015
A Curious Case of Reincarnation
First of all I'd like to thanks my friends Pierre and Marie Bishop for so kindly sending me a link to this fascinating story.
This in brief is the story of a young Middlesbrough man named Carl Edon who, in 1995 was brutally slain aged just 22 by his work mate Gary Vinter. Both men were walking home from work one evening when Vinter set upon Carl in a vicious attack. Vinter ended up violently stabbing Carl 37 times hitting every organ in his body. But it is not Carl's tragic death that will be the focus of this article, well not exactly.
As a youngster of just 3 years old Carl grew up telling his parents stories of striking memories of a former life. He claimed through out his life that in a previous existance he was a member of the Luftwaffe, the German air force, and that whilst in action over Middlesbrough he had been shot down and killed in the course of his duties.Carl even claimed that his right legs was lost in the crash.
Naturally, as you will imagine Carl's parents were very skeptical of these fanciful yet astonishing claims, in fact his Dad told a local paper the he got "sick of Carl going on about it". But it was only when Carl started to get taunted at school that he spoke less about his supposed reincarnation.
Then in 1997, two years after Carl's death. The wreckage of a German bomber was discovered just a few hundreds yards away from where Carl was killed. Contain within the wreckage was the earthly remains of an unfortunate airman who died when the plane (a Dornier Bomber) crashed after being damaged by anti-craft fire and colliding with a barrage balloon. The Body of the airman was later identified as Heinrich Richter a turret gunner.
Now this is were things get really interesting. Carl always said that he when his previous self was shot down he had lost his leg in the crash and, he did in fact have a birthmark at the top of the leg he siad he had lost in his previous life. Birthmarks it seems are a common factor in cases of reincarnation and many people claim they relate to physical trauma received in their past lives.
But in what some may say is more than just mere coincidence the body of Heinrich was found to have had its leg detached in the crash, the leg was found apart fron the body still wearing a boot.
But of course this could all just be a very strange coincidence and after all, so far in this tale there is no real connection between the airman and Carl, and it would have remained that way were it not for some research by local historian Bill Norman who, after a lot of hard work traced the family of Heinrich Richter and managed to obtain a photograph of the airman.
When the two photos are compared there is, I think a striking similarity between the two men. On seeing the photos Carl's Mother Val is reported to have said "Its got to be him. The resemblance across the eyes and the nose is just uncanny."

But the strangeness dose not stop there. On the night that Carl (a railway worker) was murdered he had been collecting railway carriages from Skinningrove near the east coast before returning to Middlesbrough where he met his end at the hands of Vinter. Heinrich and his crew had bombed Skinningrove before using the railway line to navigate their way towards Middlesbrough where as we know they met their end also.
So are Heinrich and Carl one and the same? Is this proof positive of reincarnation? Well I'm sure there will be folks that read this who will say yes. Also there will be those that will acknowledge the obvious coincidences but will say that they are just that, coincidences, pure fluke. Me I'm not sure where I stand, I don't think that this story alone proves that reincarnation is fact, I think its a bloody interesting tale and maybe together with all the other stories out there it might help add some weight to the claims that just like Pacman we get more than one life.
This in brief is the story of a young Middlesbrough man named Carl Edon who, in 1995 was brutally slain aged just 22 by his work mate Gary Vinter. Both men were walking home from work one evening when Vinter set upon Carl in a vicious attack. Vinter ended up violently stabbing Carl 37 times hitting every organ in his body. But it is not Carl's tragic death that will be the focus of this article, well not exactly.
As a youngster of just 3 years old Carl grew up telling his parents stories of striking memories of a former life. He claimed through out his life that in a previous existance he was a member of the Luftwaffe, the German air force, and that whilst in action over Middlesbrough he had been shot down and killed in the course of his duties.Carl even claimed that his right legs was lost in the crash.
Naturally, as you will imagine Carl's parents were very skeptical of these fanciful yet astonishing claims, in fact his Dad told a local paper the he got "sick of Carl going on about it". But it was only when Carl started to get taunted at school that he spoke less about his supposed reincarnation.
Then in 1997, two years after Carl's death. The wreckage of a German bomber was discovered just a few hundreds yards away from where Carl was killed. Contain within the wreckage was the earthly remains of an unfortunate airman who died when the plane (a Dornier Bomber) crashed after being damaged by anti-craft fire and colliding with a barrage balloon. The Body of the airman was later identified as Heinrich Richter a turret gunner.
Now this is were things get really interesting. Carl always said that he when his previous self was shot down he had lost his leg in the crash and, he did in fact have a birthmark at the top of the leg he siad he had lost in his previous life. Birthmarks it seems are a common factor in cases of reincarnation and many people claim they relate to physical trauma received in their past lives.
But in what some may say is more than just mere coincidence the body of Heinrich was found to have had its leg detached in the crash, the leg was found apart fron the body still wearing a boot.
But of course this could all just be a very strange coincidence and after all, so far in this tale there is no real connection between the airman and Carl, and it would have remained that way were it not for some research by local historian Bill Norman who, after a lot of hard work traced the family of Heinrich Richter and managed to obtain a photograph of the airman.
When the two photos are compared there is, I think a striking similarity between the two men. On seeing the photos Carl's Mother Val is reported to have said "Its got to be him. The resemblance across the eyes and the nose is just uncanny."

But the strangeness dose not stop there. On the night that Carl (a railway worker) was murdered he had been collecting railway carriages from Skinningrove near the east coast before returning to Middlesbrough where he met his end at the hands of Vinter. Heinrich and his crew had bombed Skinningrove before using the railway line to navigate their way towards Middlesbrough where as we know they met their end also.
So are Heinrich and Carl one and the same? Is this proof positive of reincarnation? Well I'm sure there will be folks that read this who will say yes. Also there will be those that will acknowledge the obvious coincidences but will say that they are just that, coincidences, pure fluke. Me I'm not sure where I stand, I don't think that this story alone proves that reincarnation is fact, I think its a bloody interesting tale and maybe together with all the other stories out there it might help add some weight to the claims that just like Pacman we get more than one life.
Wednesday, 11 February 2015
Robot Vacum Really Sucks
For those of us who hate house work and like to enjoy a life of leisure there can be no better house hold appliance then the robot vacuum. The machine will make its way around your house unaided by a human hand hovering up those evil dust bunnies with out you even lifting a finger.
But what happens when those machines start to fight back? Well one 52 year old woman from South Korea found out first hand what its like to feel the wrath of a once subservient robot.
The woman named Yoon was, for reasons best known to herself, indulging in a nap on the floor whilst her robot vacuum cleaner was working hard on her behalf. At some point during its duty the machine decided that her hair was either good to eat or that it resembled dust and it ingested said hair and refused to let go. Yoon was unable to remove her hair from the bot and was forced to call the emergency services to help free her.
Four emergency works from Changwon city fire department arrived and after half an hour managed to free Yoon from the savage jaws of the hoover gone bad. Luckily she managed to escape any serious or permanent injury.
The fire depart said of the incident "This case was quite special. We had seen weird things, but this was a very weird call that we received."
The fate of the hoover is unknown.
For the full story do the clicky thing here
But what happens when those machines start to fight back? Well one 52 year old woman from South Korea found out first hand what its like to feel the wrath of a once subservient robot.
The woman named Yoon was, for reasons best known to herself, indulging in a nap on the floor whilst her robot vacuum cleaner was working hard on her behalf. At some point during its duty the machine decided that her hair was either good to eat or that it resembled dust and it ingested said hair and refused to let go. Yoon was unable to remove her hair from the bot and was forced to call the emergency services to help free her.
Four emergency works from Changwon city fire department arrived and after half an hour managed to free Yoon from the savage jaws of the hoover gone bad. Luckily she managed to escape any serious or permanent injury.
The fire depart said of the incident "This case was quite special. We had seen weird things, but this was a very weird call that we received."
The fate of the hoover is unknown.
For the full story do the clicky thing here
Haunted Macbook for sale on Ebay (or a fool and his money)
So over the years ive been looking into the world of the odd and strange ive heard about many haunted items, dolls, mirrors and sea chests to name just a few. But a haunted Macbook just about tops them all and you've guessed it folks its for sale on Ebay. The owner who goes by the Ebay user name of Wfatzinger lists the item as follows:
2007 HAUNTED Apple MacBook Laptop Computer
are bidding on a white, haunted, 13inch 2007 MacBook. There are some
small cracks near the front (see photos.) The computer works just fine
and comes with OS X 10.6.8. This is a 2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4GB 667MHz
DDR2 SDRAM. The computer works great and may also be haunted by a ghost
or specter. (Computer is NOT haunted by a demon or “devil man” negative entity.)
unclear just how this laptop came to be haunted, but I 90% bet it was
the time I left it in a graveyard next to an abandoned mental hospital
all night by accident. I was doing some sketches in the graveyard (I’m
an amateur sketch artist) and I brought the computer with me to play
some music while I honed my craft. Anyway, I woke up the next morning
and realized I’d forgotten the dang thing there in the graveyard!
found (much to my relief) that the computer was just where I had left
it, propped open and still playing a Beethoven song I like. The speakers
on this machine put out a lot of bass for being so small.

How do I "know" the computer is haunted?
I took the computer home (still in perfect working condition) and,
folks, this is when things started to get downright weird. First, I
noticed that ALL of my songs in iTunes had become scary or haunted.
Second, the desktop background was changed to a scary photo. The
following week, we (my wife, Barbie, and I) noticed some of our stuff
around the house had been mysteriously rearranged. One night, we went
out to dinner with my wife’s parents and their friends and some people
from my wife’s work and some of their parents. When we came home, my
baseball cards were all out of order and my wife’s rare American coins
were in total disarray. To make matters spookier, I occasionally saw the
computer levitating. In some cases the screen and keyboard would open
and shut quickly, as though the computer were attempting to speak.
Evidence of Spirit World Activity
Notable Facts: Not only was there a full moon on the night I left the laptop in
the graveyard, but there were also reports of an eerie green fog in the
area, which people said caused them to feel a sense of intense
nostalgia. I later read that there was an anomalous electrical storm
near that selfsame evening. Furthermore, there were police reports of a
terrifying old crone capering through a contiguous neighborhood, setting
trash cans ablaze and chanting incantations or curses, laughing and
shrieking and brandishing a sharpened axe with a pentagram carved into
the hilt. I’m NOT a computer expert, so I’m not sure which of these
anomalous entities might have precipitated the haunting, but I thought
it best to include all here.
Effects of Haunting
It was about a week later that the computer began to compose messages. You
probably think the computer opened up a word doc and started tip-tap-typing away all by itself like some kind of 21st century player piano. No, friends. The way he communicates with us is
by grasping a pen between the keyboard and monitor and writing on pieces
of printer paper from our home office. (See photo.) As such, I am given
to believe that this ghost may have lived in a time before computers, for he appears to be quite unaware of the purpose of the machine he inhabits.
Attempts to “Cleanse” the Spirit
Even though the computer was working just fine (there’s plenty of RAM for
most things you’re going to want to do), I decided to take it to the
computer store to get it checked out. The so-called “geniuses” behind
the counter were unable to help me with my problem. I showed them the
written notes from the ghost, as well as some of my own sketches. Not
only had they "never seen anything like it," but they soon asked me to
leave and even had me escorted off the premises by a security guard!
How’s that for hospitality?
Exiting the computer store (without a security guard escort thank-you very
much!) I noticed a neon sign on the far end of the shopping plaza. A
psychic medium! What a fortuitous coincidence. Perhaps the medium could
help me interpret the ghost’s deranged spectral transmissions, I
thought. So, I took the laptop in and Madame Magnifique Capacité de
l'esprit examined it. She placed it in the center of her table and had
me sit across from her. We held hands as she recited a special psychic's
poem. The lights flickered and some scary music played on hidden
speakers. When that was over, she said “I believe this computer is
She sold me some special (and expensive!) incense to burn around the
computer just before bedtime. She suggested I sing to the computer. It
sounds weird, but this seemed to help at least pacify the tormented
soul. The computer remains haunted, but he became more peaceful and even
helpful at times. This first became apparent when I came home from
getting a massage and noticed that the computer had vacuumed the den. He
even wrote me a note telling me that he loved me.
A week later, I thought to go back to the psychic and ask her to sign a
“Certificate of Haunting” I drafted up in Microsoft Office, thus
providing legal “proof of haunting.” However, when I returned to the
shopping plaza I found Madame’s storefront… had vanished!
In its place I found a store that sold leather cell phone holsters.
What crummy luck! The guy who worked there gave me no information about
Madame’s whereabouts and, after listening to my whole sob-story about
the haunted computer, gave me a good deal on a black leather holster
with an embossed image of Yosemite Sam on the front. It’s great because
it fits on my belt and I won’t have to dig around in my pockets for my
cell phone anymore.
Benefits of Haunting
After all this rigmarole, I have to say, this ghost has been a source for
good in my life and I am sure will make a welcome addition to your
family, too. Whether he was giving me a hand cleaning the garage,
helping my son (Thames) perform a rap song at a middle school talent
show, or acting as a crucial sounding board when Barb and I had that
rough patch last autumn, this ghost has been a rock solid friend and
constant companion. I don’t know if he’ll ever be freed from the
corporeal bonds of this perfectly adequate, if a bit worn, 2007 Apple
MacBook with 2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4GB 667MHz DDR2 SDRAM, but either
way his friendship has been invaluable and he continues to run OS 10.6.8
(Snow Leopard) just fine, if a bit slow by the standards of more
current computers.
The laptop works great. We just need to clear out space around the house and decided to get rid of this (haunted) laptop. Sorry, but the unit is missing the power cord and I no longer have the OS X CD. There are some minor scratches on the exterior. Selling As-Is. Seller takes no responsibility for consequences of ghost-related haunting, negative or positive.
Items Included
- Certificate of Haunting (I’ve signed the document, imagining what Madame’s signature might look like, had she signed it)
- Haunted Music (in iTunes)
- Ghostly Photos (In folder on desktop)
- Several Edgar Allan Poe stories pasted into text docs on the desktop
- Collected Ghostly Writings from the ghost with a pen and paper
- Some of my better sketches (of graves)
Monday, 9 February 2015
Teenage Mutant Ningen Cryptids
Ningen in the Japanese language literally means human, but whats in a name? Well the word doesn't go far in explaining this mysterious sea creature at all.
The Ningen is a cryptid that has been reported in the frigged seas of the Antarctic as well as the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. It is said to messure somewhere between 70 and 90 feet in length and, its waxy pigmented slightly bulbous form is said to be practically humanoid . It is also reported by some to have five fingers on the end of each of its arm like appendages, and a mermaid like flipper instead of legs and feet. Its face is said to be blank save a flat mouth and eyes, which has got some researchers wondering if sightings could of been of an unknown type of giant ray.
Although it is unknown exactly when fishermen were supposed to have started seeing these creatures of the deep but one of the first documented sightings was made by the crew of a Japanese whale research ship. They were on deck one evening observing what they first thought to be a submarine, whilst they were sailing in the Antarctic "researching" some poor whales. But as the object came closer they soon realized from its inconsistent shape that it was in fact not a submarine but, some sort of living creature that soon disappeared beneath the icy waves. I think it can safely be assumed that if the researchers story is true then they would have been able to recognize such a large creature if it was something that was known by science to inhabit those waters.
The story about the whale research ship and the tales of the Ningen in general came to light around the turn of the 20th century via an online Japanese forum called 2Channel, slender man anyone?
Then in 2007 a story ran in a popular paranormal magazine called Mu from the same country. The article in Mu even displayed what they claimed was a picture of the creature taken from google earth. Make of that what you will.....
There have also been rumors bouncing around the internet that the crew of the research ship managed to take some photos of the creature but they were suppressed by the Japaneses government who had taken an interest in it.
Of course after Mu published the article there was a rush of sightings reported but im unsure as to how many of them actually carried any weight to them.
Sadly unlike lake or land cryptids monsters from the deep are seldom reported and are generally out of reach to the average researcher. But if anyone would like to charter me a good ship with a fine crew then id be up for going to have a look arrr shiver me timers pieces of eight and other pirate like sayings...
The Ningen is a cryptid that has been reported in the frigged seas of the Antarctic as well as the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. It is said to messure somewhere between 70 and 90 feet in length and, its waxy pigmented slightly bulbous form is said to be practically humanoid . It is also reported by some to have five fingers on the end of each of its arm like appendages, and a mermaid like flipper instead of legs and feet. Its face is said to be blank save a flat mouth and eyes, which has got some researchers wondering if sightings could of been of an unknown type of giant ray.
Although it is unknown exactly when fishermen were supposed to have started seeing these creatures of the deep but one of the first documented sightings was made by the crew of a Japanese whale research ship. They were on deck one evening observing what they first thought to be a submarine, whilst they were sailing in the Antarctic "researching" some poor whales. But as the object came closer they soon realized from its inconsistent shape that it was in fact not a submarine but, some sort of living creature that soon disappeared beneath the icy waves. I think it can safely be assumed that if the researchers story is true then they would have been able to recognize such a large creature if it was something that was known by science to inhabit those waters.
The story about the whale research ship and the tales of the Ningen in general came to light around the turn of the 20th century via an online Japanese forum called 2Channel, slender man anyone?
Then in 2007 a story ran in a popular paranormal magazine called Mu from the same country. The article in Mu even displayed what they claimed was a picture of the creature taken from google earth. Make of that what you will.....
There have also been rumors bouncing around the internet that the crew of the research ship managed to take some photos of the creature but they were suppressed by the Japaneses government who had taken an interest in it.
Of course after Mu published the article there was a rush of sightings reported but im unsure as to how many of them actually carried any weight to them.
Sadly unlike lake or land cryptids monsters from the deep are seldom reported and are generally out of reach to the average researcher. But if anyone would like to charter me a good ship with a fine crew then id be up for going to have a look arrr shiver me timers pieces of eight and other pirate like sayings...
Light In The Sky Over Loch Lomond
A video of a strange light in the skies Near Loch lomond was uploaded to youtube a week ago and it seems it has caused a little stir online. Tom Hall who captured the video said he dosnt belevie it to be a plan, helicopter or chinesse lantern, he went on to say the object didnt make any sound.
A lot of people on line are suggestion it might be the planet Venus but as my knowledge of the stars is relatively limited I couldnt really comment with any certainty. I do know that Venus dose sit low in the sky at certain times of the year and is often misstaken for a UFO.
What do you guys think?
A lot of people on line are suggestion it might be the planet Venus but as my knowledge of the stars is relatively limited I couldnt really comment with any certainty. I do know that Venus dose sit low in the sky at certain times of the year and is often misstaken for a UFO.
What do you guys think?
Sunday, 8 February 2015
Bodies Left In Abandoned Crematorium
Well here is a story from the Metro's website that should satisfy those of you with a morbid disposition..............
A sickening discovery was made a few days ago at a crematorium that has been abandoned for around a year after the owner went missing leaving debts and unpaid taxes. The badly decomposing bodies of men, women and even children were found dumped and covered in lime to try and mask the smell. But it was the smell that eventually raised the suspicions of people living near by and they contacted the authorities.
On inspection the corpes were perfectly embalmed and wrapped in white sheets, many of which were covered in a brown liquid that had seeped from them over time.
The grisly full story can be found here
The Rougarou
Deep down Louisiana close to New Orleans, Way back up in the woods among the evergreens, you may hear stories from the locals about a creature they call the Rougarou.
The story of the Rougarou has its folklore roots in Europe and Medieval France in particular where belief in the werewolf was common place and rural communities were even in the habit of employing werewolf hunters to rid them of the unwanted murderous creatures. It is thought that these legends then followed French settlers over to the swamps of Louisiana and became rooted into local culture. Or, perhaps it was more than mere legends that followed the settlers over to the new world.
This Cajun cryptid is described as having the head of a wolf and the body of a man, glowing red eyes with long fingers and claws and of course very large sharp teeth, all the better to eat you with my dear. Legend has it that if your are unfortunate enough to have been bitten by or stare into the eyes of a Rougarou then you are destined to become one yourself, much like the werewolf legends of Europe. Thankfully if you do find yourself transformed into a dog headed man or woman you can reverse the curse by not reviling to anyone for a year and a day that you have been afflicted by a bad case of lycanthropoticitus. If you should manage this then you and the person who changed you will be returned to normal. Personally Im not sure I could manage to keep my trap shut if I turned into a werewolf type creature, Im positive id either spill the beans after a few pints down the local and then eat the landlord thusly expunging my bar tab or at the very least just blog about it.
Legend also speaks of a rather ingenious way to stop the Rugarou from entering into your house. It is a simple process of placing 13 small objects in the door ways and windows of your house. For some reason the Rougarou will feel compelled to count them, but as the Rougarou can not count past twelve he will be forced to start again and again until dawn breaks, when tradition dictates he has to return to the swamps.
The Rougarou dose has its usfull and unwittingly benevolent side, for the stories have been used for many generations to frighten children away from the swamps which, as you can imagain are a dangerous play ground for them.
As with most cryptids or zooform phenomena there is of course little evidence of any value but reports keep coming in of dogheaded or werewolf type creatures not just from the Louisiana swamps but from around the world. Are they all misidentification or fraud?
But maybe and just maybe there could be a grain of truth to the stories, no matter how unbelievable . Sighting of werewolves and wildmen with the heads of dogs have endured through out the ages and continue to this day. Just imagine if you will what it would mean if just one of the stories are true. The idea that strange half man half wolf creatures stalk the night has fascinated and frightened us since pre Christian times and will probably continue to do so for ever more.
Giant Guinea Pig
Meet Josephoartigasia monesi an extinct giant rodent that roamed the earth around 30 million years ago in what is now South America. The chisel toothed over grown Guinea Pig was the size of a bull and weighed in at a hefty 2200lbs making it the largest Rodent to have ever walked the planet.
Its fossilised skull was first discovered back in 1987 on a beach in Uruguay but it was nearly 20 years later that the creature was first described by science. It is thought that it used its massive 12 inch incisors to root through the earth in much the same way an elephant uses its tusks and of course they would of made a formidable defence. Im sure this is one Rodent that would make short work of your skirting board.
Its fossilised skull was first discovered back in 1987 on a beach in Uruguay but it was nearly 20 years later that the creature was first described by science. It is thought that it used its massive 12 inch incisors to root through the earth in much the same way an elephant uses its tusks and of course they would of made a formidable defence. Im sure this is one Rodent that would make short work of your skirting board.
Friday, 6 February 2015
Mother And Daughter Arested for Arson After Using Quija Board.
A mother and daughter have been arrested for arson in County Durham after a strange set of events involving the use of a quija board.
Margaret Carroll 60 and her daughter Katrina Livingstone 37 were both nicked after a mysterious fire ripped through their home reports the metro. Aparently the two women were using a quija board to contact the spirit of their dog that died around Christmas after being drowned by Margarets husband, who had originally claimed the animal somehow died after a previous quija session. During the two women's session they received a message saying that they would die shortly before there house was consumed by flames.
The full story can be found here
Margaret Carroll 60 and her daughter Katrina Livingstone 37 were both nicked after a mysterious fire ripped through their home reports the metro. Aparently the two women were using a quija board to contact the spirit of their dog that died around Christmas after being drowned by Margarets husband, who had originally claimed the animal somehow died after a previous quija session. During the two women's session they received a message saying that they would die shortly before there house was consumed by flames.
The full story can be found here
A Few Cornish Mysteries Part Two
A Few Cornish Mysteries Part Two
Now we move on to everyones favourite winged zooform the Owlman of Mawnan.
Sunday was the day we were due to return to the city, and over a good breakfast we decided that a little detour to visit the scene of the Owlman sightings in Mawnan would be a good idea. Mawnan is a small village near the coast, not to far away from Falmouth. So once more we made our way around small winding Cornish lanes and in just under an hour I was parking the car outside the Church where the creature was first spotted.
The area around Mawnan has certainly been in use since the Iron Age and some claim that the church itself was built on a prehistoric site of some sort but so far I can find no evidence to support this. The village was possibly named after St Maunanus who im lead to believe was a Breton monk who came over from France in around AD 520. There are three churches in the area but the one that concerns us is the 13th century church of St Stephens for that is where the owlman was first seen.
It all started in April 1976, a year that would go on to see an exceedingly hot and dry summer as well as plagues of ladybirds. A paranormal researcher, street performer and loveable rogue who went by the name of Doc Shiels (and also self proclaimed wizard of the Weston World) was approached by a gentleman called Don Melling, who had been enjoying a holiday in the area. On the day in question Doc had been busking with his street theatre group at a street fair in the small town of Penryn, when as Doc puts it a "worried looking man" (Don) came up to him after locals told him of Docs involvement with certain other paranormal instances in the area, and recounted to him the following tale.
Don, his wife and their two daughters June 12 and Vicky 19 decided that on April 17 1976 they would enjoy a picnic in the woods near Mawnan. The children ran off to play amongst the grave stones in the near by St Stephens church yard whilst their mum and dad prepared their food.
It was then that the Owlman made his first terrifying appearance. The girls whilst playing said they heard a "funny noise" and saw a large "birdman" hovering over the tower of the church. Naturally the girls fled back to where they had left their parents and their terror was enough to convince their mum and dad to cut short the picnic and return to the campsite where they had been staying, and sadly the Melling family where so shaken by what the girls had experienced that they cut short their holiday and returned home to Lancaster.
June and Vicky's sighting was to be only the start of the Owlman mystery and it wasn't long before a report came in of another occurrence involving the feathered beast.
Just two months later on July 3 two more girls had an encounter with the creature. Sally Chapman and Barbara Perry (both aged 14) where camping together in the woods near the infamous church when they witnessed the creature outside of their tent, Sally said it was "Like a big owl with pointed ears, as big as a man. The eyes were red and glowing. At first, I thought that it was someone dressed up and playing a joke, trying to scare us. I laughed at it. We both did, then it went up in the air and we both screamed. When it went up you could see its feet were like pincers."
This incident again was reported directly to Doc Shiels and it must be mentioned that the girls had read a pamphlet about the original sighting, and even Shiels admitted that they may have been making up their story.
The next sighting was uncovered by Jon Downes, who is founder and director of the Centre for Fortean Zoology. This time we fast forward to 1989 when an individual called Gavin got in touch with Downes and claimed when interviewed that he and his girlfriend saw a creature with glowing eyes around five feet tall around the area of the other sightings.
Gavin told Downes that he was 12 years old at the time of the sighting and was holidaying with his girlfriend Sally also 12 and her parents. One particular evening the young couple were taking a walk along the wooded path that leads from Mawnan church to the coastal path. As it was getting dark the pair were using pocket torches that they had brought along with them in anticipation of bring out past dark. With Gavins torch lighting the way Sally let the beam from her dance in the branches of the trees until she caught sight something on a branch in front of them. The creature is described as being about five feet tall, "the legs had high ankles and the feet were large and black with two huge toes on the visable side. The creature was grey with brown, and the eyes definitely glowed. On seeing us, its head jerked down and forwards, its wings lifted and it just jumped backwards. As it did its legs folded up. We ran away."
So what is the Owlman of Mawnan, is he a work of fiction that was created by the first two girls or was Doc Shiels responsible for spinning a tall tale, it wouldn't take you long dear reader to find several articles on the internet that would certainly point towards him being able to concoct such a story and his credibility has been called into question on more than one occasion.
But if the stories are not inventions then what? Perhaps each sighting has been a misidentified creature, perhaps a real owl, zoologist and cryptozoologist Karl Shuker at least seems to think so and he suggests that an eagle owl would be the most likely culprit from some of the descriptions given.
Although rare in the uk and technically non-native they have from time to time been spotted, in fact there are reports of a few breeding pairs in scotland, at the time of writing, but these are rumoured to be captive birds that have been released for reasons unknown and certainly not through official channels.
So aside from the possibility that the sightings of the Owlman relate to an actual owl, what are the other suggestions? Well of course perhaps the wittnesses did see a beast that was a mixture of humanoid and owl in its form. It has been suggested that the owlman is some sort of paranormal entity that guards the area of the old pagan site that predated the church but as I remarked erlier there is no hard evidence of a prehistoric site on this spot that I have found although thats not to say there never was. There are legends around a lot of prehistoric sites that tell of supernatural creatures or monsters that or the areas guardians. In fact in part one of this post I mentioned the Piskie that is meant to dwell near the stones at Men an Tol and cure peoples ills, a very benevolent entity in comparison to the fear inducing Owlman.
Fact or fabrication will be up to you to decide upon yourself but either way it sure is a great story set in one of the most beautiful parts of the country and I urge you to visit the little church in Mawnan for yourself and take a little walk through the woods and who knows what you might meet there on a dark Cornish night.
If you are interested in finding out more about the Owlman then I can recommend the very well researched and written book by Jon Downes The Owlman & Others it is a great read and will tell you all there is to know on the subject as well as various other mysteries.
It was unfortunate that I was not able to spend much more than half an hour in Mawnan before we had to be on our way again. I would of liked to spend the night in the woods to see if the creature would appear and who knows maybe during the two weeks of British summer I may return and see what I can find. I will of course to you all about it!
Thursday, 29 January 2015
Heavy Smoker Back From The Dead
Guo Liu 45 from the eastern Chinese province of Hubei, was a two pack a day smoker who whilst out having a drink with friends collapsed and later died after picking up a cigarette that he had dropped reports the Metro.
His friend Bo Ko said "We had been having a few dirnks and of course Liu had been smoking when he dropped one of the cigarettes on the ground. But when he bent down to pick it up he suddenly fell over unconscious. At First we thought he was fooling around as he can be a it of a joker. But the we realised he wasnt breathing and phoned for an ambulance."
The Metro goes on to report that after three month Guo's wife Qing Mai 40, was contacted by the hospital to say that her husband had died.But durring the preperations for the funeral friends and family heard him wheezing and they say he had tears in his eyes. They quickly got him back to the hospital and into intensive care.
A spokesman for the hospital is quoted as saying "I have never seen anything like this before. He will now be kept under constant observation until he recovers fully and we will then be able to assess just how bad the brain damage is. It is likely the his speech , memories and mobility will be severely affected though."
Hmmmm anyone seen my smokes?
His friend Bo Ko said "We had been having a few dirnks and of course Liu had been smoking when he dropped one of the cigarettes on the ground. But when he bent down to pick it up he suddenly fell over unconscious. At First we thought he was fooling around as he can be a it of a joker. But the we realised he wasnt breathing and phoned for an ambulance."
The Metro goes on to report that after three month Guo's wife Qing Mai 40, was contacted by the hospital to say that her husband had died.But durring the preperations for the funeral friends and family heard him wheezing and they say he had tears in his eyes. They quickly got him back to the hospital and into intensive care.
A spokesman for the hospital is quoted as saying "I have never seen anything like this before. He will now be kept under constant observation until he recovers fully and we will then be able to assess just how bad the brain damage is. It is likely the his speech , memories and mobility will be severely affected though."
Hmmmm anyone seen my smokes?
Tuesday, 27 January 2015
UFOs once more over Rendlesham?
Rendlesham Forest and the USAF base that adjoined it was, in late December 1980 at thecenter of a UFO mystery that has been called Britains Roswell and still captures the interest of ufologists to this day.
But strange lights in the sky have once more been seen over the skies at Rendelsham and have been caught on camera by George Taylor, who was out walking his dog in the area of the forest on Sunday 25th of January. He up loaded his footage to youtube saying that he "Spotted three balls of light in the sky yesterday afternoon whilst walking around Rendlesham Forest and couldn’t believe what I was seeing! Had a very weird feeling that I shouldn’t have been there."
Personally the lights could be easily be from aircraft behind the clouds as the helicopter shown in the video looked like it could of been on some sort of manoovers, or perhaps it was sent to intercept or investigate the lights?
What are your thoughts folks?
Do the clicky thing HERE for the full story
Zombie Moggy Back From The Dead..........
Bart the cat was written off as dead by a vets in Tampa Florida after a run in with a car. But five days after being buried the cat turned up at home looking like he had used more than his allotted nine lives.
The sad looking kitty had lost and eye and had suffered head trauma but had seemingly clawed its was out of what was meant to be his final resting place and returned home for some TLC and hopeful a full recovery.
For the full story click HERE
The sad looking kitty had lost and eye and had suffered head trauma but had seemingly clawed its was out of what was meant to be his final resting place and returned home for some TLC and hopeful a full recovery.
For the full story click HERE
Monday, 26 January 2015
Yowie Clipping from Jan 22 1980
A Blue Fox Walks Into A Bar.......No Really!
So a blue fox walks into a bar...........Well sort of, the Daily Mirror has run a story on there website about a blue fox making its way into into the bar area of a Travel Lodge in Woolwich, south east London.
The creature posed for photos taken by guest Scot Farnell. The fox was later persuaded to leave the premises by another man after he offered the fox some crisps.
For the full story do the clicky thing HERE
The creature posed for photos taken by guest Scot Farnell. The fox was later persuaded to leave the premises by another man after he offered the fox some crisps.
For the full story do the clicky thing HERE
Sunday, 25 January 2015
Stones,Fairies,Ghosts and More
This weekend saw me travel to the ancient henge at Avebury, although ive driven through the area a few times and seen the stones briefly from the car, this was the first time I had been in their majestic presence.
I arrived accompanied by my wife and kids at around lunch time and as every parent knows if your going to drag your kids around a field to look at big rocks it is best to make sure they have full stomachs first. So we popped into the Red Lion pub to refuel before going to see the stones.
I must say that the food in there was great and the service was top notch even though it was nearly full with others who had had the same idea as us. But of course it isnt reviews of pub grub that has brought you here dear reader onward with the good bit.
As ever I wasn't long in the pub before I found out about some ghostly goings on the premises, and it lays claim to being the most haunted pub in England, (along with every other pub with a hint of spook in the country). So I thought you guys would be interested in hearing about the phantoms that are supposed to hunt the old pub.
The Red Lion is a mere pup compared to the age of the stone circle that the village of Avebury sits in, built in the early 1600s it served as a farm house up until 1800 when it became a coaching inn.
The Inn is said to be the home of several ghosts, as well as being visited by the sudo ghost hunters from Most Haunted. The first of our spooky collection is a ghostly carriage that starts its journey at the near by manor and then thunders along the road finishing up outside the pub at which point witnesses say it disappears, perhaps its the ghost of a long dead lord of the manor racing to make last orders.
Our second spectre is a woman named Flori who it seems has been witnessed many times over the years. It is said that when seen she appears to be a women in her early 20s. Flori' story is one of love jealousy and rage. It is told that during the English civil war young Flori' husband had gone away to fight and Flori had taken a lover. Then one evening her husband returned catch Flori in the bedroom in the arms of her lover. One version of the story has her lover escape leaving Flori to her fate but in another telling the lover is shot and killed by Flori's husband. Sadly for the cheating wife both versions of the story end with her husband dispatching her, either by being strangled or by being stabbed. He then drags the poor womans corpse down stairs and disposes of it in the well.
The weeks passed and the people of the little village grew suspicious and started asking question as to the whereabouts of Flori an inquest as held and eventually her husband consumed with guilt admitted his crime and was hanged.
These days the well where Flori's body ended up is in what is now the restaurant area of the pub and has been turned into a rather nice glass topped table, it is from the well that Flori's ghost is said to appear dressed in black, she is also said to appear in the ladies toilet (maybe even ghosts need to use the facilities from time to time) and she is also reported to be the cause of a spinning chandelier that spins when bearded men in particular walk by.
The third ghost is reportedly of an old landlord who was forced to hide a gang of outlaws the cellar to avoid being caught by the law. He went along with all their demands but they must of thought he had seen and heard too much so the gang silenced him by stabbing him to death. His bloody shade is seen down in the cellar and members of staff who have witnessed him make a very quick exit indeed.
Upstairs in the pub in a room called the Private Bedroom the spirit of a woman known as Beth has been seen gazing out of the window and the forms of two children have been reported to cower in fear in the corner.
Another bedroom The Avenue Room houses the spooks of a man and a woman who frighten guests by popping up beside the bed and even removing the bed clothes from people trying to get some sleep.
So as you can see the Red Lion is rich in paranormal happenings and is well worth a visit for a cheeky pint or some great food and who know you might even bump into one of the more ethereal residents.
So after our lunch it was time for us to take a walk around the henge. The henge is the largest of its type in Europe and covers a massive 28 acres and around its perimeter is a bank and ditch that still
makes an impression after around 4500 years. Sadly only around 27 of the original 100 stones remain, many being robbed out to be used for building but there are still some very impressive ones left weighing upto 40 tons that of course were placed there with out the use of any modern machinery.
Me by one of the larger stones
The henge's original use will most likely be lost to the mists of time for ever and all academics can do is speculate on what its purpose was. But I think its safe to say that what ever it was built for it was built to last and it must of been a very important place to it builders, why else would they make the monumental effort to construct it?
Today it is still very much in use by various different types of people ranging from tourists to various pagans, weed smoking hippy types and of course curious forteans. Unlike its slightly younger neighbour Stone Henge it is still completely accessible and your are free to look around at you leisure and if your able I strongly urge you to go and see this amazing piece or British heritage.
During excavations of one of the then fallen stones in the late 1930's items dating back to the 1400 century were found including coins and other items and unfortunately the owner of the items was also found seemly crushed in an accident under the stones massive weight. Since that time the stone has become know as the barbours stone due to the items found with the man remains being those of a barbour-surgeon. It is likely that the weight of the stone made the retrieval of the mans body impossible so he was left to rest where he died.
Many people over the years have reported seeing ghostly figures moving around the stones at night and the sound of singing has also been heard coming from the circle when on inspection there has been no one there maybe these are the ghosts of the original builders of the henge returning to celebrate or worship long forgotten gods.
There is also tell of fairy folk being seen there, dancing in the night and there lights have been seen late at night by motorists driving along the roads that now bisect the monument. Perhaps the Fairies are continuing the rituals of man or maybe they both used it for the same purpose ;)
I have also come across the story of an entity named The Haunt, plagues any building made from stone taken from Avebury causing poltergeist type phenomena. Sadly I know little more of this but I'll endeavour to find out.
Another tantalising bit of forteana is that there has been reports of UFOs over the skies of Avebury dating back over 300 years again this is something I will look into in more detail very soon!
After our walk around the stones marvelling at the sheer effort of there creators, we made our way to Avebury Manor, which is now used as a museum. I couldn't help being a little angry at the people who first built the manor as they have brutishly destroyed part of the henge and but various buildings in it place.
Avebury Manor itself was built in the 1500's and its suggested that the site may have been in use for around 1000 years. It is as you would expect a little bit haunted. It ghosts include A woman in white seen by a workman near the front gates and I think its fair to say he was probably just a little shocked when he witnessed her disappear before him. She is also seen wondering around the grounds as well as the stone her face covered by a hood.
Another spirit at the manor is said to scatter rose petals around what is called the crimson room, who says ghosts cant be romantic? Also the spectre of a cavalier has been seen on occasion and what haunted manor would be complete with out the ghost of a monk who has been seen in the library.
So I hope you have enjoyed the rather spooky tale of Avebury Henge and it surroundings. There are even more ghosts and legends than I have told you perhaps soon I'll tell you about the rest.
Bye for now.
The Curious Fortean.
Wednesday, 21 January 2015
Tuesday, 20 January 2015
UFO In Queens 12/10/1989
Beaver County,
Bill Knell,
Michael Lickman,
Soviet Union,
Clipping About Chinesse Lake Monster
Original Link
The Lost and Found Firearm
Does your family come from Nevada? Did your great great granddaddy lose his rifle around 1882? Well if that's the case then archaeologists may just have found it. Well maybe......
Archaeologists have found an antique Winchester rifle propped up against a tree in the Great Basin National Park Nevada, it is unclear say the BBC exactly how long the weapon has been there, but it certainly looks to me like it has seen some weather.
The gun will now be preserved and displayed at the park in its current state.
For the full story click HERE
Archaeologists have found an antique Winchester rifle propped up against a tree in the Great Basin National Park Nevada, it is unclear say the BBC exactly how long the weapon has been there, but it certainly looks to me like it has seen some weather.
The gun will now be preserved and displayed at the park in its current state.
For the full story click HERE
Monday, 19 January 2015
New York UFO
Todays Daily Mirror website has posted a story about an oddity in the sky above the city. In a film taken by someone who goes by the YouTube user name of Von Edger Land, there apears to be a craft just hanging in the sky.
He goes on to say that after 15seconds of filming his phone shut down unexpectedly after overheating and that wildlife in the area seemed to be frightened away by the strange noise it made.
Personally my money would be on this being some sort of drone, but who knows if you have a look on youtube there have been similar sightings in the past few years.
Anyway the full story can be found here
The Curious Fortean.
He goes on to say that after 15seconds of filming his phone shut down unexpectedly after overheating and that wildlife in the area seemed to be frightened away by the strange noise it made.
Personally my money would be on this being some sort of drone, but who knows if you have a look on youtube there have been similar sightings in the past few years.
Anyway the full story can be found here
The Curious Fortean.
A Few Cornish Mysteries Part One
Well first I must apologies for the the lack of updates to this blog over the weekend dear readers. But the reason for my internet absence is that I took leave to Cornwall. Mainly my mission was to see my daughter and some very dear friends but I also managed to visit a few rather special places whilst on my jolly to the captivating land of Kernow.
The first stop on my mini fortean foray was to visit the Men-An-Tol situated in West Penwith not to far from Penzance. So after popping into my good friend Sams place for a warming cup of tea, his family and some of mine headed out in convoy to visit the ancient site.
Sam had taken point and decided to make a quick stop off at Lanyon Quoit (pictured bellow.
The Quoit is actually at the northan part of whats believed to be a long barrow type structure and is said to have been a burial chamber or even some sort of mausoleum. There is an old legend that tells of giants bones being found buried next to the quoit and it is also sometimes known by some as the giants table. Another legend has no less than King Arthur sitting atop the stones to enjoy a meal, just before his last battle at Camlann. Also it is to this place that it is said Arthur will return to fight the last battle that will mark the end of the world.
So shortly after we arrived the sounds of barking hounds accompanied by the sounding of horns meant the local fox hunt was heading our way hopefully not in hot pursuit of any unfortunate creature, which is something Sam and I would of liked to have hung around for and perhaps had a polite word in the ear of the huntsman but as we had the kids with us we decided to move on as huntsmen aren't always open to views that oppose their law breaking and cruel escapades.
After a small drive of only a few minuets we had wound our way through a few more Cornish lanes, where the hedges are made of granite, and had arrived in the small lay by that serves as a car park for Men-An-Tol.
We all made the short half mile journey up the old muddy, puddle filled farm track that leads from the lay-by to the field that had the ancient monument.
These stones never fail to amaze me, all though they aren't giants like some of our neolithic monuments they are stunning non the less. Men-An-Tol, which means the hole stone was erected during the bronze age, and was first described and investigated by a Mr William Borlase a Cornish antiquarian, in 1749. Borlas suggests farmers had taken stones away from the site and its been purposed that these could have formed a circle around what we see there today. The purpose of this strange monument is of course unknown and open to speculations. Such speculations range from the usual calender to some sort of place for fertility ceremonies. Local legend has it that if a woman passes through the centre stone backwards,seven times on a full moon she will soon fall pregnant. It was with this in mind that I didn't let my eldest daughter climb through it, better safe than sorry.
Its is also known for its healing properties, another name for it locally is the Rickets stone and families would bring their children here to be passed though the centre stone and hopefully cured.
Another legend speaks of a Piskie living here that could heal your ills, magically of course.
Sadly we didn't spot the Piskie, I suppose us lot trundling through the field is enough to send even the most magical creatures running for cover.
So now with lunch in our minds we set off over to Zennor and paid a visit to lovely little pub there that does rather agreeable food,as well as a nice drop of cider, and of course a trip to Zennor is never complete with out stepping into the church, strategicly placed next door to the pub. Sadly we were to be disappointed, the worst out come imaginable had happened, the pub was FULL!
But happily the church was open and I was luck enough to pop inside and take a picture of the old pew that has a lovely old carving of a mermaid in it.
Now legend has it that this carving was made to commemorate a local tale of a mermaid. The story goes that oneday a very beutiful and well attired lady started occasionally to attend the Sunday services at the church, and it wasn't long before her exquisite singing voice became the talk of the other parishioners, and she caught the eye of many a young suitor. But it was a handsome young man named Matthew Trewella who gained the favour of the young woman. It was said that Matthew had a singing voice surpassed only by the mysterious lady. The one Sunday after the service she was seen to give Matthew a smile and the smitten young man followed her towards the sea. He was never seen again.
After many years Matthews disappearance had faded from the memories of the locals until one day a ship had dropped anchor in a near by bay when a mermaid appeared and asked the captain to move his anchor as it was blocking the door to her house and her children and husband Matthew were trapped inside.
After taking a couple of photos of the carving and admiring the small church and the carving for a while our stomachs dictated it was time to go in search of an eatery that could accommodated our numbers, four adults and five children. This inevitably was a chain type pub that served something tasteless but filling. After we had eaten and the kids had run riot in the pubs play area we said our good byes and headed back to St Ives for the evening, where I was lucky enough to see yet another dear friend who I spent the evening with enjoying a glass or two of wine.
The day after I was particularly excited about that days excursion, a trip to Mawnan Smith, the home of the Cornish Owlman was on the cards. So after a good breakfast the car was once again winding its way through highsided Cornish lanes, and it wasn't long befor I was parking the car and exploring the grounds of Mawnan Church where the Owlamn was first reported.
But the curiosities at Mawnan can wait for tomorrow, until then thanks for reading.
The first stop on my mini fortean foray was to visit the Men-An-Tol situated in West Penwith not to far from Penzance. So after popping into my good friend Sams place for a warming cup of tea, his family and some of mine headed out in convoy to visit the ancient site.
Sam had taken point and decided to make a quick stop off at Lanyon Quoit (pictured bellow.
The Quoit is actually at the northan part of whats believed to be a long barrow type structure and is said to have been a burial chamber or even some sort of mausoleum. There is an old legend that tells of giants bones being found buried next to the quoit and it is also sometimes known by some as the giants table. Another legend has no less than King Arthur sitting atop the stones to enjoy a meal, just before his last battle at Camlann. Also it is to this place that it is said Arthur will return to fight the last battle that will mark the end of the world.
So shortly after we arrived the sounds of barking hounds accompanied by the sounding of horns meant the local fox hunt was heading our way hopefully not in hot pursuit of any unfortunate creature, which is something Sam and I would of liked to have hung around for and perhaps had a polite word in the ear of the huntsman but as we had the kids with us we decided to move on as huntsmen aren't always open to views that oppose their law breaking and cruel escapades.
After a small drive of only a few minuets we had wound our way through a few more Cornish lanes, where the hedges are made of granite, and had arrived in the small lay by that serves as a car park for Men-An-Tol.
We all made the short half mile journey up the old muddy, puddle filled farm track that leads from the lay-by to the field that had the ancient monument.
These stones never fail to amaze me, all though they aren't giants like some of our neolithic monuments they are stunning non the less. Men-An-Tol, which means the hole stone was erected during the bronze age, and was first described and investigated by a Mr William Borlase a Cornish antiquarian, in 1749. Borlas suggests farmers had taken stones away from the site and its been purposed that these could have formed a circle around what we see there today. The purpose of this strange monument is of course unknown and open to speculations. Such speculations range from the usual calender to some sort of place for fertility ceremonies. Local legend has it that if a woman passes through the centre stone backwards,seven times on a full moon she will soon fall pregnant. It was with this in mind that I didn't let my eldest daughter climb through it, better safe than sorry.
Its is also known for its healing properties, another name for it locally is the Rickets stone and families would bring their children here to be passed though the centre stone and hopefully cured.

Sadly we didn't spot the Piskie, I suppose us lot trundling through the field is enough to send even the most magical creatures running for cover.
So now with lunch in our minds we set off over to Zennor and paid a visit to lovely little pub there that does rather agreeable food,as well as a nice drop of cider, and of course a trip to Zennor is never complete with out stepping into the church, strategicly placed next door to the pub. Sadly we were to be disappointed, the worst out come imaginable had happened, the pub was FULL!
But happily the church was open and I was luck enough to pop inside and take a picture of the old pew that has a lovely old carving of a mermaid in it.
Now legend has it that this carving was made to commemorate a local tale of a mermaid. The story goes that oneday a very beutiful and well attired lady started occasionally to attend the Sunday services at the church, and it wasn't long before her exquisite singing voice became the talk of the other parishioners, and she caught the eye of many a young suitor. But it was a handsome young man named Matthew Trewella who gained the favour of the young woman. It was said that Matthew had a singing voice surpassed only by the mysterious lady. The one Sunday after the service she was seen to give Matthew a smile and the smitten young man followed her towards the sea. He was never seen again.
After many years Matthews disappearance had faded from the memories of the locals until one day a ship had dropped anchor in a near by bay when a mermaid appeared and asked the captain to move his anchor as it was blocking the door to her house and her children and husband Matthew were trapped inside.
After taking a couple of photos of the carving and admiring the small church and the carving for a while our stomachs dictated it was time to go in search of an eatery that could accommodated our numbers, four adults and five children. This inevitably was a chain type pub that served something tasteless but filling. After we had eaten and the kids had run riot in the pubs play area we said our good byes and headed back to St Ives for the evening, where I was lucky enough to see yet another dear friend who I spent the evening with enjoying a glass or two of wine.
The day after I was particularly excited about that days excursion, a trip to Mawnan Smith, the home of the Cornish Owlman was on the cards. So after a good breakfast the car was once again winding its way through highsided Cornish lanes, and it wasn't long befor I was parking the car and exploring the grounds of Mawnan Church where the Owlamn was first reported.
But the curiosities at Mawnan can wait for tomorrow, until then thanks for reading.
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