Friday 2 January 2015

This Morning I was sent a link to a great blog called the Loch Ness Mystery, and in particular a post on it about Killer Whales in Loch Duich in 1953

 Apart from the obvious interest and enjoyable old photographs. One thing really struck me and that is the similarity between the photo of the killer whales dorsal fin cutting through the water and the famous (and most likely fraudulent)  surgeons photo.

Above:  the killer whale in Loch Duich 1953

Above: the famous Surgeons photo

Now I think its worth pointing out dear reader that I do know the claims that the Surgeons photo being a fake are widely excepted and I wont be going into my personal beliefs on the validity of this photo at this time. It just got me wondering about the possibility (how ever improbable) that this could show the fin of a killer whale, now I know that killer whales dorsal fins are not by nature floppy but this can occur in an Orca particularly when they are kept in captivity, so it is not unknown.
This of course is an extreme example but I think it illustrates my point rather well.

I would like to reiterate that im not really putting this forward as a theory its just a thought plucked out of my poor abused grey matter.


The Curious Fortean

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